How To Start in Creative Writing

Writing Journal

One of the best places to start your creative writing journey is with a journal. It can be anything from an hour-by-hour account of your day, to a dream journal or an art journal. A journal is a private space where you can express yourself freely without worrying about what other people will think of your writing. It’s also a great way to build your confidence in free writing on a consistent basis. Eventually, this will make your other forms of writing more structured and disciplined.

Short Stories

The short story is a great way to practice creating characters, building tension, and resolving a conflict in a relatively small amount of space. You can draw inspiration for your stories from anywhere, including your own experiences, news articles, or historical events. You can also use a fictional setting, but it’s best to let readers connect with the story through your characters and their internal or external conflicts.

For your first few short stories, it’s often helpful to outline. While this isn’t necessary for everyone, it helps you keep track of your ideas and gives you a map to follow when writing.


A well-written letter can be highly imaginative and can help you develop your skills in expressing yourself using language. Unlike diary entries and journals, letters have a specific audience in mind. This helps you focus on a topic or storyline that is of interest to your audience.

Poetry is another great form of creative writing that can be fun to produce. It allows you to play around with literary techniques, such as alliteration, simile and imagery. It can also be a good way to discover what kind of writing you enjoy doing, especially if you’re musically minded.


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