JWStolk – 3D Mill photo’s

This exceptional individual has made himself a cult hero amongst Lego fans after creating his own 3D mill. This is undoubtedly going to be a huge breakthrough in the Lego world as people struggle to fathom how one individual has managed to create this entirely for himself. If this individual can market this potential product, […]

Robot Fish

A wonderful page with all sorts of different robot fish including student projects from a Tokyo university. Most seem quite simple in principle using just one or two RC servo motors. This looks like it could be lots of fun, however unbelievable amounts of work go into these products and it is no coincidence that […]

Institute for Applied Autonomy

GraffitiWriter is a tele-operated field programable robot which employs a custom built array of spray cans to write linear text messages on the ground at a rate of 15 kilometers per hour. The printing process is similar to that of a dot matrix printer. GraffitiWriter can be deployed in any highly controlled space or public […]

drewish.com: 2-sided pov toy

This guy has used a simple pic processor and the POV princible to make his bike wheels write text. A cool idea but probaly quite distacting to other road users.

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